A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
Everything we do is important because...
a child may be watching
a child may be listening
a child may be thinking
a child may be making up his or her mind.
Philosophy of Discipline
In a child-centered, Christian environment, the philosophy of discipline centers on encouraging the growth, and considering the feelings of every student. We strive to create a school atmosphere of mutual respect and compassion among students and staff. When conflicts arise, we model and teach peaceful negotiation and resolution strategies. As age appropriate, we follow a philosophy known as Restorative Justice, which focuses on mediation rather than punishment.
Restorative Justice Practices
Family-School Partnership
Recognizing the vital role of families in the educational process, we seek to be partners with our students' parents/guardians in establishing clear, consistent guidelines and encouraging the best behavior in our students. We need the help of our students' families to reinforce school rules and expectations, and we promise our support in return.
We encourage parents to contact the school if there is any difficulty in your family life that we can help with, or any home situation that may have an effect on your child's school performance. We truly believe in the African proverb that "It takes a village to raise a child."
To provide a clear guide of some of the specific behaviors and expectations that create a positive learning environment, we have outlined a basic Code of Conduct for all students at St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope School.
These expectations will be further clarified in each classroom, and at assemblies at the beginning of each school year. Student input will be encouraged.
At times, teachers may ask for assistance from parents/guardians and/or administrators to resolve behavior issues in the classroom. Services from outside counselors may also be recommended for situations that have not been resolved with in-school interventions.
We ask that each parent/guardian discuss this Code of Conduct with their child(ren) so that St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School can truly be an environment that fosters the growth and development of every member of the school community.
Student Code of Conduct
School-wide Rules
1. Respect the rights, feelings, and property of others.
3. Reports back to the teacher regarding consequences and follow-up.
Student Code of Conduct
I understand that in accordance with the School Code of Conduct...
1. I must come to school and each class prepared with materials and assigned work.
2. I will show respect for myself, my peers, my teachers and to all other members of the school community.
3. I will respect all school property including textbooks and equipment.
4. I will carry a pass at all times when I am outside my classroom.
5. I will not fight or use force or intimidation with any member of the school community.
6. I will use appropriate language at all times-no cursing or teasing. I will not use racial, ethnic, religious, or gender slurs.
7. Possession of smoking materials or illegal substances in the building or school grounds will result in suspension or expulsion.
8. I will dress in an appropriate manner as described in this Code of Conduct and the School Handbook.
9. I will not bring items to school that are distracting to myself and others (video games, iPods, MP3 Players, etc.).
10. I will seek the help of faculty, staff and/or administration to settle all conflicts peacefully.