Profile of a Graduate
A graduate of St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School has been prepared for the changes, advances, and challenges of the 21st century in a supportive learning environment, which fosters curiosity, achievement, critical thinking, and compassion. St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope School also instills the Gospel values of kindness, integrity, respect, and acceptance in a caring yet rigorous academic setting.
A graduate of St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School shares these gifts with the world:
FAITH - Living the Gospel message in word, thought, and action, while developing values and learning the Catholic tradition.
SERVICE - Working to uplift those suffering from poverty, war, intolerance, and hatred through charity, support, and outreach with our community and world at large.
CRITICAL THINKING - Developing the ability to question, analyze, critique, and connect information to gain insight and meaning.
COLLABORATION - Engaging in purposeful, reflective dialogue and cooperation with teachers and peers to conceptualize complex tasks, work towards solutions, and unlock new perspectives and understanding.
DIGITAL LITERACY - Utilizing technology in ethical and productive ways to research, locate, evaluate, share and produce meaningful information.
CREATIVITY - Applying unique perspectives and imagination to discover, express, generate and articulate ideas and emotions through unconventional means.
LOVE OF LEARNING - Cultivating profound, incisive, unquenchable curiosity to encourage and nourish lifelong learning.