Student Chromebook/iPad Use and Behavior Policy
St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School is providing a Chromebook with access to the Internet. The device is being provided for and is limited to educational purposes only. By agreeing to this policy I fully agree to the following:
There is NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY when using the school's Chromebook. Administration, faculty, and other authorized persons have the right to review any and all material saved, transmitted, accessed, or momentarily in use by the student in accord with the policy set by the school's administration.
There is NO ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH when using the school's Chromebook, which is viewed by the administration as a limited educational forum; and student behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith both inside and outside the school setting.
I agree that all information transmitted through the use of the school's Chromebook (e-mail, web page publication, or other Internet postings) will be sent or received with the explicit permission of a member of the school's staff.
I agree not to use the Chromebook to record, transmit or post photos or video of a person or persons on the school campus. Nor can any images, audio and/or video recorded at school be transmitted or posted at any time without being reviewed by and with the permission of a member of the school's staff.
I agree never to access, transmit, or retransmit material which promotes violence or advocates destruction of property, is sexually oriented, or discriminatory in nature or conduct which is offensive to the principles of the Roman Catholic Church.
Social Networking – I will not use the Chromebook for social networking except with the express intent of educational purposes and not without the explicit permission of a member of the school's staff.
The school reserves the right to establish rules and regulations regarding the use of the school’s Chromebook, and behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith both inside and outside the school setting.
A student found in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, temporary removal of the school's Chromebook, permanent removal of the school’s Chromebook, or other appropriate disciplinary action in accord with the rules and regulations of the school, including suspension or expulsion, and /or legal action.
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this acceptable use policy.