St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School (the “school”) has established a technology network with access to the Internet for its students. This network has been established for limited educational purposes only. By agreeing to this policy the student(s) and the parents and/or guardians of the student(s) fully agree to the following:
There is NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY when using the school's technology resources. Administration, faculty, and other authorized persons have the right to review any and all material saved, transmitted, accessed, or momentarily in use by the student in accord with the policy set by the school's administration.
There is NO ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH when using the school's technology resources, which is viewed by the administration as a limited educational forum; and student behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith both inside and outside the school setting.
All access to the school's technology resources will be permitted only under the authorization of a member of the school staff.
The student agrees that all information transmitted through the use of the school’s technology resources (including e-mail, G-Suite (Google) apps, web page publication, or other Internet postings) will be sent, received, or posted only under the authorization of a member of the school’s staff with the explicit permission of that staff member.
The student agrees to stop using any and all of the school's technology resources whenever requested to do so by a member of staff or other authorized person.
The student agrees never to transmit via the school’s technology or personal technology resources the personal information (name, age, gender, address, phone number, e-mail address and the like) of himself or herself as well as that of any other person.
The student agrees never to arrange for a meeting with any person at any time using the technology resources.
The student agrees to notify a staff member immediately if he or she is asked for personal information, views inappropriate materials, or in any other way feels violated, harassed, uncomfortable, or accosted through the school's technology resources.
The student agrees never to access, transmit, or retransmit material which promotes violence or advocates destruction of property, including, but not limited to, access to information concerning the manufacture of destructive devices, such as explosives, fireworks, smoke bombs, incendiary devices, and the like.
The student agrees never to access, transmit, or retransmit any information containing sexually oriented material, which means any pictures or writings that are intended to stimulate erotic feelings by the description or portrayal of sexual activity or nude human form.
The student agrees never to use the school's technology resources for commercial purposes. The student will never buy nor sell anything using the school's technology resources.
The school's system will never be used for political lobbying, although it may be used to communicate with elected representatives to express opinions on political issues.
The student agrees never to tamper with any software and/or hardware including software or hardware that guard the school's network from unmanaged Internet use. The student agrees never to tamper with any security system that protects the school's technology resources.
The student agrees to use only the software and/or hardware permitted by a member of staff for express educational purposes. The student agrees never to use the school's technology resources to gain unauthorized access to another technology network (hacking).
The student agrees never to transmit (download or upload)) any computer file, application, or other computer resource to or from the school's technology network. This includes the unauthorized installation of software from a CD-ROM, flash drive, or other media.
The student agrees never to use inappropriate, obscene, profane, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language. The student agrees never to post false information or engage in personal, prejudicial, or discriminatory attacks. Student behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith.
The student agrees never to harass another person by use of any technology resources. Harassment is defined as any action that distresses or annoys another person. The student agrees to stop immediately any and all behavior that is construed by another as unwelcome. Harassment includes acts of cyberbullying. The student agrees never to participate in acts of cyberbullying against another person.
The student agrees never to use any of the school's technology resources to plagiarize. Plagiarism is defined as taking the idea or writing of others and presenting them as one's own.
The student agrees to respect the right of intellectual property of other people and to respect all copyright laws. The student agrees that if he or she is unsure whether copyright law is being respected, he or she will bring this question immediately to the attention of a staff member.
The student agrees never to participate in illegal activity using the technology resources. The school will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the school's resources.
The school will not be held responsible for the actions of a student who is in violation of any of the terms of this policy. This responsibility is extended to, but not limited to: loss of data or interruptions of service, the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the school's system, or any financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the school's technology resources.
The school reserves the right to establish rules and regulations regarding the use of the school’s technology resources, and behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith both inside and outside the school setting.
A student found in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, temporary removal from the school's system, permanent removal from the system, or other appropriate disciplinary action in accord with the rules and regulations of the school, including suspension or expulsion, and /or legal action.
The student agrees to use his/her G-Suite for Education (Google) account for educational purposes only.
The student agrees not to share his/her password with another student.
The student agrees not to use another student or staff member’s account for any reason.
The student agrees not to use school technology resources (including the network and student accounts) for unauthorized purposes.
The student agrees not to use his/her G-Suite for Education account for non-school related use or communication.
Social Networking- Student behavior is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith, both inside and outside the school setting, relating to the use of and participation in social networking.
Any technology use or use of social networking sites to display any wording or images of any student engaged in any activity which, in the sole discretion of the school administration, is inappropriate, crude, vulgar, or a violation of values consistent with the Catholic faith, or is illegal in any respect, will be subject to disciplinary action, including, without limitation, suspension, expulsion and/or legal action.
Any technology use by any student, in school or at home, which includes viewing or distributing any images, wording, messages or material which are, in the sole discretion of the school administration, obscene, harassing, racist, inflammatory, malicious, fraudulent or libelous will be subject to disciplinary action, including, without limitation, suspension, expulsion and/or legal action.
Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing Tools - The Department of Education (DOE) and schools of the Diocese of Rockville Centre recognize that technology in our global society is ever-changing. Students are expected to use their own knowledge and skills to complete their schoolwork. When students use resources for informational purposes to support their learning, they are expected to give credit to the original source (i.e. bibliographies, quotations, footnotes, etc.) To promote academic integrity and ethical use of technology, students are not permitted to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools to complete their schoolwork except as outlined below.
Students may use AI/NLP tools in the school setting if they receive prior permission / consent from their teacher(s) for specific lessons, assignments, and activities in the instances stated below:
Research: students may use AI/NLP tools to learn how to quickly and efficiently research topics and learn how to create search prompts provided students acknowledge use of the AI / NLP tools if any of the information returned is included in their completed assignments.
Data Analysis: students may use AI/NLP tools for assistance in interpreting data provided students acknowledge the use of such tools when completing and turning in assignments.
Accessibility: AI/NLP tools may be used by students to help them access and understand written materials in special circumstances.
The DOE acknowledges that, at the principal’s discretion, teachers may use AI / NLP tools with their students for additional purposes.
It is important that students recognize that AI/NLP tools do not always return factually accurate information, and it is the responsibility of the student to verify information is correct before including such information in their schoolwork.
It is expected that students will use AI/NLP tools in an ethical manner and that teachers will discuss such with students prior to use of AI/NLP tools in the classroom. Use of AI/NLP tools by students is expected to conform to values consistent with the Catholic faith, both inside and outside the school setting.
Parents and guardians are expected to monitor their child’s use of all technology. Parents and guardians understand that their use of any technology belonging to the school is held to the same standards in this agreement as their child.
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this acceptable use policy and I have discussed it with my child/children, who also agree(s) to the foregoing terms. I understand this policy applies to usage of school technology resources both at home and at school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________ Name of Student: _______________________________________ Grade: __________________
Diocese of Rockville 2024/25 School Year Centre20024/25